Noank is a quintessential New England coastal town with historic homes tucked along tree-lined streets. Stately well-preserved estates and modest fisherman’s family homes all nest comfortably within this scenic seaport town.
Located in the town of Groton, Noank encompasses approximately 2.2 square miles, with a population during the 2010 census of 1,796.
During the late 1800s, Noank was a bustling shipbuilding port, with the former Palmer Shipyard and C.H. Mallory and Company Steamship line making the Noank area one of the largest suppliers of wooden vessels on the Atlantic Coast. Today, Noank village is still home to an active maritime community, with thriving boatyards, marinas, commercial fishing, lobstering, recreational boating, and other small businesses that support the waterfront trades and tourism.
The original settlement of Noank was listed as a historic district on the National Register of Historic Places. Many of Noank’s homes and businesses date back to 1840, and the significance of the historic district is 240 houses have maintained and preserved historical significance of the domestic architecture.
Every Memorial Day, Noank hosts the longest-running continuous Memorial Day Parade in the country… a testament to the community proudly supporting long-honoured traditions.
The median home value in Noank is $404,700. Noank home values have declined -0.0% over the past year and Zillow predicts they will fall -0.4% within the next year. The median price of homes currently listed in Noank is $485,000. Buyers can find entry level properties in the $200,000 - $300,000 price range… as well as lovely estates worth well over $2,000,000.
Noank is home to three large full-service marinas (Noank Shipyard, Spicer’s Marina and Noank Village Boatyard) with over 335 deep-water slips, and 260 moorings for recreational boaters. Smaller boatyards also dot the coast, offering additional services and boat repairs, to make Noank a very boating-friendly community.